Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Me in 20 Years

Please answer the following prompts:
1      Tell us in one paragraph who you are. This is meant to be as completely open a question as possible. Whatever comes to mind for you when we ask, "Who are you?" is what we are looking for.

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a strong imagination. Nothing appeals to me as much as a good story, specifically, one with a close analysis of an admirable protagonist. So naturally, I wanted to be a writer from an early age. My first attempt at writing a novel was at age eight, and even though I was a long ways away from being able to complete that goal, it helped me develop my writing skills. Since then I have written a book and currently write whenever I get the chance.

2) It's the year 2035. You get to call the shots and dream about what life would be like if you knew you could not fail and you got to decide what happens. Answer the following questions in essay form (don't stress about the length, just take the space necessary to answer the questions below)
  1. Where would you be living?
In a subdivision just outside of Salt Lake City
  1. Would you be married/single?
I would be married to a good LDS man.
  1. How many children would you have?
Five, ages 15-3
  1. What would your job be?
Stay at home mom/author
  1. What would you do as your hobbies/out of work/church activities?
Every week my family would go for a family bike ride or a picnic in the mountains. I would also do a lot of travelling with my family. We would go on annual educational /recreational trips to help facilitate my children’s learning (like going to Rome, Israel, New England, etc.).  
  1. What would your church calling be? (We know we don't aspire to callings but it can be helpful in the exploration process to identify what you would be comfortable doing if you called the shots)
Young Women’s Leader
  1. If you answered married above, what would your spouse's job be?
He would be an Aerospace Engineer.
  1. If you answered married above, what would your spouse's church calling be?
He would be a Scout Leader.
2)      Lastly, were any of the questions hard to answer or difficult to put into words. Explain your experience answering them. If you did not struggle at all explain so if you did, do your best to let us know why you think that might be.

Answering these questions was an interesting exercise, because a lot of it I had not considered before. I wouldn’t really say any of the questions were too difficult, because for a lot of it I just put down something that seemed realistic . One thing I hadn’t considered too heavily was the dynamics involved in raising a family and working. I have always known that I want to be a mother, but raising children and maintaining a career can be a challenge. If I was an independent author, however, I could work from home and this wouldn’t be an issue.

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