Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Occupational Research Project

The occupation I chose to research was teaching post-secondary education. This occupation has many benefits, but it also requires a lot of dedication and schooling.

Typical Tasks:
Instructors in this field have a number of tasks. They prepare syllabi, lectures, class materials, etc.,  give lectures, guide class discussions, and make themselves available for regular office hours. They must also prepare and grade exams and other assignments. They regularly revise instruction methods and materials and select curriculum and textbooks for the classes they teach. They are required to stay up to date about new information in their subject area, do research and write articles, books, etc.

 Working environment:
The work would be done indoors, with some time being spent both in a classroom and in the office during their regular office hours. Usually, classes would be taught during the day, but there might also be opportunities to teach at night. Adequate time would also have to be allocated to conducting research.

There are a number of skills necessary to be a post-secondary teacher. For example, teachers must use critical thinking, and be able to adapt their curriculum to fit the needs of students. They also must be adept at writing. 

Typical Interests:
The interests had by post-secondary teachers vary with the subjects they teach, but I think the interests of people in this occupation would include the desire to attain knowledge and experience social interaction. 

Most of the time, a Ph.D is required in order to become a post-secondary teacher. Depending on the subject, teaching experience or research experience may be required. Licenses or certificates may also be needed for certain fields. BYU currently offers a number of Ph.D. programs, most of which are science-based. It also offers several psychology programs, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Marriage, Family, and Human Development. 

Employers and Location:
Since the employers for those in this occupation are universities and colleges, it would be necessary to live in an urban area with a nearby post-secondary school. This requirement is not adverse to my desired lifestyle, however. 

Financial Concerns and Stability:
Financial stability and benefits are also good. The average pay is  $68,970 and the range is from about $58,000 to $100,000. Nationally, this field is projected to grow about 19% in the next ten or so years -- a higher rate than usual. In Utah, job openings for this occupation are also expected to grow at a faster rate than average, with a 4% annual increase in the Provo area and a 3.6% annual increase in the Salt Lake area. If a post-secondary teacher can obtain a tenure, it will ensure secure employment for a number of years. It is also possible to advance to a dean or administrator.

Effects on Lifestyle: 
 I think this job could accommodate my preferred lifestyle since the schedule outside of lecture and office hours is very flexible and part time work would be an option. Because of this, I would have the option to work less to accommodate the needs of my family but would also be able to work more hours if additional financial support was needed.

Personality Relation:
My MBTI type is INFP, which I believe would fit nicely with this occupation. While INFP's have some difficulty with oral communication, I believe that is something I am capable of improving. INFP's have good empathy in general, which I think would translate well as a teacher.  INFP's are introverts, but much of the work is done alone. 

Related Occupations:
 Historians and Archeaologists/Anthropologists are related to this occupation because both require extensive education (a master's degree) and both participate in researching and analyzing.

Additional Information:
A website that may be helpful for further research is the United States Department of Labor website: http://www.dol.gov/


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